So now we are concerned with a new group of people who either built houses or rented those already built. Fortunately at this point a neighbour, who is a genealogist, became interested in the project and copied out the Census Returns for the area for 1871. Already I had become familiar with the names attached to each house, but now each dwelling became peopled with families around whom we were able to build up quite a history. Christopher Hicks who lived in ‘our part of Mount View was an attorney and solicitor, born in Shrewsbury. He had a wife and 4 children and a servant called Mary Anne Sparrow who must have climbed to bed through a trapdoor and shared the space with the cistern; we hope she was small as her name suggests! Yet, across the road lived Joseph Marchant, a gardener, with his wife Harriet a laundress, and 6 children who had been born, in Crayford, Send, Stoke Worplesdon, Holy Trinity — so they must have moved around! So once more I was wrong in thinking that The Merchants Had Moved Out.